Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Oriental Magpie Robin is a songster, he sings for a mate, sometimes with a mate. I see two of them, a happy pair, trying to build a nest. This is the mating season and at dawn they begin their work. They forage for food and also in between build their nest. Obviously it’s the female who builds the nest while the male protects it. But the two of them keep flitting about.

Not far away, the koel is singing too. It’s the classic summer song. Now they will mate and then the female will lay her eggs in another’s nest. No best building for her. Brood parsitism this is called. I always wondered where do the adults stay, after having successfully given their offspring for adoption to the good old crowd.

Off late I have seen the swifts appear too. They fly like paper airplanes. Gliding through with their wings outstretched, performing aerial acrobatics. It’s a beautiful small bird. Then of course the star is the Indian Golden Oriole. The shining jewel of the evening skies. One doesn’t see it everyday but when you do, your day is made.

I don’t see as many sparrows but the crows and pigeons are many. Many years ago you could see rosy starlings, right opposite Kandivali station but they don’t visit nowadays. Though a flight of parrots or parakeets always can be seen in the evening skies.

Observing birds can be a nice contemplative exercise. And one of often loses one self in the world of birds. How they forage, how they build nests, how they communicate and how they defend their territories. But ultimately they possess the ability to fly. And see the world from a distance, from a high perch. Oh what a treat to be able to do that.